
Caring for Your Feet

How Fat Injections Could Help People With Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

People with acute plantar fasciitis may be able to heal from their condition with standard treatments, such as stretching/strength training, cortisone injections, orthotics, shockwave therapy, etc. However, a small percentage of people may not respond to these treatments and may actually develop chronic plantar fasciitis. Take a look at why this can happen and how fat injections could help.

Why Does Plantar Fasciitis Become Chronic?  

If a person has a very active job where they stand for long periods, they may not be able to give the plantar fascia enough time to fully heal. If a person is overweight or obese and doesn't make lifestyle changes, then this extra weight can put pressure on the foot and prevent healing as well.

Some people may be prone to chronic plantar fasciitis because of their natural biomechanics, such as flat feet, arches that are too high, or overly tight calf muscles. Lastly, chronic plantar fasciitis can occur due to collagen degeneration in the fascia. Collagen is a protein that plays an essential role in the fascia's function and structure.

Can Surgery Help People with Chronic Plantar Fasciitis?

Surgery can help some people with chronic plantar fasciitis, but all surgeries carry some risk of complication. For instance, some people may develop more scar tissue after surgery which can cause pain similar to their plantar fasciitis symptoms. Sometimes, a partial or total release of the plantar fascia can affect arch stability and may contribute to midfoot pain. There are ways to mitigate these risks, but if you want to explore non-invasive methods first, then you may want to consider fat injections.

How Do Fat Injections Help?

Fat tissue is full of growth factors and stem cells which can help with healing and reduce scarring. One study found that patients who were treated with fat injections were able to improve their quality of life, decrease their fascia scar tissue thickness, and decrease their pain levels.

During this treatment, your podiatrist will apply a local anesthetic so that you don't feel pain. He or she will then use a needle to make micro-tears in the fascia. These small tears encourage blood flow; he or she will then inject fat cells into the damaged site to stimulate the healing process. Fat cells may be taken from another area of the body or from a donor. Grafting fat cells can be an intricate procedure, so some doctors might introduce platelet-rich plasma as well to aid in healing.

The main caveat of fat injections is that it may take a few months for you to start seeing significant levels of improvement. It's important to follow up with your podiatrist and maintain good practices—like wearing orthotics—as you wait for the facia to heal.

Reach out to a podiatrist today for more information about plantar fasciitis relief

About Me

Caring for Your Feet

I am blessed to have an amazing mom. When I was a kid, she worked a job she hated in order to provide financially for me and my younger sister. Now that I’m an adult, she still worries about my desires more than she does her own needs. Sadly, my loving mom suffers from diabetes. She must take medication daily to control her illness. She also has to limit the amount of foods containing refined sugar that she eats. Like other diabetics, she also needs to monitor the condition of her feet on a regular basis. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons diabetics should visit a podiatrist. Enjoy!

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