
Caring for Your Feet

Get Relief from Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and pain, affecting your everyday life. The condition is caused by the nail growing into the surrounding skin, leading to redness, swelling, and sensitivity. It can be caused by wearing tight shoes, improper toenail trimming, or experiencing trauma to the toe area. If you're suffering from ingrown toenails, it's essential to seek treatment options from a podiatrist. They are specialized in treating and diagnosing foot conditions that can help your toenails grow healthily. 

Soaking Your Feet in Warm Water

Soaking your feet in warm water can reduce pain and swelling. You can add Epsom salt to the water for an extra relaxing effect. This technique softens the nails, making them more accessible to cut, and prevents the nail from growing into the surrounding skin. Remember to dry your feet thoroughly after this, as moisture can encourage the growth of bacteria.

Wearing Proper Footwear

Wearing tight and ill-fitting shoes is a common cause of ingrown toenails. It can cause pressure on the toenails, leading to them growing abnormally and pressing against the skin. Wearing comfortable shoes or sandals can help alleviate symptoms of ingrown toenails. You can also choose shoes with wider toe boxes, which can help prevent the condition from occurring in the first place.

Trimming Your Toenails

Improper toenail trimming can also cause ingrown toenails to happen. You should cut your toenails straight across rather than rounding them to prevent the nail from growing back into the skin. Avoid cutting your toenails too short, as that can lead to ingrown ones. If you can't reach your toenails or don't have the proper tools, it's best to have a professional podiatrist handle your toenail trimming for you.


In severe and chronic cases of ingrown toenails, surgery may be the only option. In this procedure, the podiatrist will remove the part of the nail bed or the entire nail, depending on the severity of the condition. The surgery is done under local anesthesia and is relatively painless. The patient may experience tenderness and redness for several days following the procedure, but this should subside on its own.


Various topical and oral medications can relieve the pain and discomfort associated with ingrown toenails. Antibiotics can help prevent infections in the affected area, while over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain and swelling.

Ingrown toenails can cause pain and make even the most mundane activities challenging. Instead of suffering in silence,  seek treatment options from a podiatrist. Soaking your feet in warm water, wearing proper footwear, and correctly trimming your toenails are simple techniques that can prevent and treat ingrown toenails. In severe cases, surgery and medications can also help resolve the issue. Consult a local podiatrist for the best treatment options suitable for you. 

About Me

Caring for Your Feet

I am blessed to have an amazing mom. When I was a kid, she worked a job she hated in order to provide financially for me and my younger sister. Now that I’m an adult, she still worries about my desires more than she does her own needs. Sadly, my loving mom suffers from diabetes. She must take medication daily to control her illness. She also has to limit the amount of foods containing refined sugar that she eats. Like other diabetics, she also needs to monitor the condition of her feet on a regular basis. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons diabetics should visit a podiatrist. Enjoy!

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