
Caring for Your Feet

Answers About Plantar Fasciitis, A Painful Foot Condition

If you have been experiencing foot pain that's near your heel, then this pain may be caused by a condition called plantar fasciitis. In order to determine whether or not you may have plantar fasciitis and to learn how you can deal with the pain, you want to read these answers to some commonly asked questions regarding the condition.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tendon that runs along your foot gets injured. This injury can be a small tear, inflammation or a pull. There are many ways these injuries can happen, with some of the most common causes being obesity, improper footwear, too much standing and walking or running on hard pavement.

What does plantar fasciitis pain feel like?

Although the pain of this condition can present itself in many ways, it is generally centered near the heel of your foot. The pain tends to be more of a stabbing and stinging feeling, but it can also come in dull throbs and bruised feelings.

What treatments are available for plantar fasciitis?

The type of treatment your podiatrist chooses to use for your condition will depend on the severity of your issue, as well as other factors they feel should be taken into consideration. Usually, it will be suggested for you to rest your feet while you are experiencing a flare up and you may be instructed to take anti-inflammatories. Some of the available treatments also include braces you wear while you are sleeping, appliances you can wear in your shoes and surgery if the condition is severe enough to warrant it.

How can you get relief from the pain of a flare up?

Plantar fasciitis usually hurts the most when you first wake up, so take your time getting out of bed. Try rubbing your feet before you stand up. Ice can be very helpful with regards to taking away the pain. You can hold an ice pack on your feet or roll a frozen water bottle under them. Massages can also help to relax your feet and help some of the pain to go away.

Now that you understand more about plantar fasciitis, you will be in a better position to alleviate the pain. You will also have a better understanding of some things you can do to help prevent the onset of a flair up of the condition so you can avoid them in the future.

About Me

Caring for Your Feet

I am blessed to have an amazing mom. When I was a kid, she worked a job she hated in order to provide financially for me and my younger sister. Now that I’m an adult, she still worries about my desires more than she does her own needs. Sadly, my loving mom suffers from diabetes. She must take medication daily to control her illness. She also has to limit the amount of foods containing refined sugar that she eats. Like other diabetics, she also needs to monitor the condition of her feet on a regular basis. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons diabetics should visit a podiatrist. Enjoy!

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