
Caring for Your Feet

Conquering The Shin Splint

Just the name "shin splint" sounds painful. Surprisingly, you may have one and not even realize what it is. If you are experiencing pain on your inner tibia above the shin, you probably have this injury. You do not have to suffer indefinitely with it, however. You can speed your recovery by following a few guidelines and then learn how to prevent its recurrence.


The cause of many shin splints can be prevented. Often, they simply stem from overuse of your legs. If you are a runner, indulging in too strenuous of a workout can lead to a real problem. If you have stress fractures in your legs, also often caused by overuse, shin splints can develop. When you apply extreme pressure to your legs on a daily or near-daily basis, you are probably going to experience problems.  You are also susceptible to these injuries if you have flat feet. 


In addition to not overdoing your workouts, you can help prevent shin splints by slowly increasing your routine instead of taking drastic leaps. Do not run two miles one day and then jump to five. Avoid rock-hard surfaces during your run and also discard your old running shoes after 300-500 miles. Invest in quality shoes and alternate running with other workouts including swimming and walking. Too much of anything, even a cardiovascular workout, can be harmful to your body. If you are not an athlete, simply avoid putting excess stress on your already weaker muscles. 


If you are suffering from shin pain, you need to consult with a podiatrist. These medical professionals are best equipped to help you recover and prevent a recurrence. They are likely to recommend RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. When your podiatrist says to rest, they mean for you to seriously reduce your physical activity for an extended period of time. In addition to taking these steps, your podiatrist may have you wear custom orthotics, or supports, in your shoes. Although over-the-counter orthotics may offer some relief, a custom model will give you optimum support for your unique foot structure. Investing in these foot appliances is one of the better ways to overcome shin splint problems. 

Although shin splints may sound like a minor issue, they are anything but while you're are experiencing them. The pain may involve most of your inner tibia, which can feel absolutely crippling. Fortunately, the problem can be effectively treated, and with proper foresight, prevented. If you are a runner, you may be more likely to develop this problem, but remember that it affects all sorts of people, even the non-athletic. If you are suffering shin pain, consult with foot doctor

About Me

Caring for Your Feet

I am blessed to have an amazing mom. When I was a kid, she worked a job she hated in order to provide financially for me and my younger sister. Now that I’m an adult, she still worries about my desires more than she does her own needs. Sadly, my loving mom suffers from diabetes. She must take medication daily to control her illness. She also has to limit the amount of foods containing refined sugar that she eats. Like other diabetics, she also needs to monitor the condition of her feet on a regular basis. On this blog, I hope you will discover the reasons diabetics should visit a podiatrist. Enjoy!

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